
>>> IHF


Iya Hauwa Women Empowerment Project is an empowerment project proposed and sponsored by Hauwa Umar Aliyu to reduce the burden on widows and vulnerable women in the Birniwa Local Government Area of Jigawa State and also to provide a small sustainable business for the women. The programme targeted forty-five (45) women at the pilot stage, two (2) women from each of the eleven (11) wards and the remaining twenty-three (23) from all over the Birniwa Local Government.


The programme was also aimed at bringing the Fulani women in Birniwa Local Government closer to the community; therefore, it engaged at least four (4) Fulani women who are very active to serve as role models for the rest of the Fulani women.

Need for the Project

To empower and support widows with orphans and vulnerable women in order to reduce the burden of the children on them.

To enable vulnerable women to have access to antenatal health care services.

To support the beneficiaries children attend school.

To support and bring the Fulani women closer to the larger community.

speech by

Hauwa Umar Aliyu

Assalam Alaikum Warahmatullahi my sisters, we are today gathered in this place for the sake of Almighty Allah and humanity, this is not a political gathering, I sponsored this project not for any other reason but for the sake of the Almighty and humanity. The main purpose of this project is to help our sisters and mothers who are in a vulnerable state with a small capital that will serve as seed fund to help ease their life condition, as you all know that the beneficiaries of this empowerment project are three (3) categories:

  1. Those whose small business crashed as a result of capital
  2. Widowed with children, but no one to carter for them
  3. Vulnerable women in a devastating life condition

Those that will benefit from the small capital or seed fund will be given with the condition that each beneficiary will repay the total capital received at a stipulated time at the rate of N500 at the end of each month. This should not be perceived as a share of the “National Cake” or “ Dividend of democracy”, the money collected will be revolving so that more women in your condition will benefit from the same project in the future.

Finally, I enjoined each and every one of you to make good use of the items collected as a start-up capital that will lead us to become stronger entrepreneurs and Business Women in the near future, and I pray that Almighty Allah blesses the small business that you are going to start.

Second Phase of the


After evaluating the first phase of the project, which was successful, the sponsor of the project Hauwa Umar Aliyu, decided to expand the programme to reach more beneficiaries from Birniwa Local Government Area. However, the same strategies of the first phase were employed during the second phase; the project organizing team members conducted a survey and interviewed the intended beneficiaries regarding the business they specialized in, a total of thirteen (13) more beneficiaries were selected and empowered with the set of a start-up capital materials for a small business across the eleven (11) wards of Birniwa Local Government.

During the second phase of the empowerment project, Hauwa Umar Aliyu happens to be absent but was represented by the Secretary of the Foundation Muhammad Ibrahim Bulama, who made a speech as follow:

“This is an initiative by Hauwa Umar Aliyu to empower and support women that are in a critical life condition and those whose businesses crashed. The project will not give you money but will provide you with all the necessary materials for a small business start-up. At the end of every month, each beneficiary is expected to pay back a meagre amount of only N540, as was done by the first beneficiaries. The reason is that the recovered amount will be used as a revolving fund for more beneficiaries to be engaged in the near future.

I want to bring to your notice that these items distributed to you do not form of any political party and has no any political agenda attached to them, so do not consider it as a way of getting your own share of national cake or dividend of democracy, any defaulter will be dealt with according to the law.

I urge you to make good use of it so that one day you will all be on your own and even empower others, and I pray for the success and prosperity of your new businesses.”

The second phase of the project was launched successfully, and the beneficiaries express their happiness and readiness to comply with all the terms and conditions of the project. At the end of the project, each beneficiary was given a transport fare.

About 5 more women in the Birniwa ward were also given N5,000 to buy some items to start a business; these women serve as the supplementary beneficiaries of the empowerment project.

>>> IHF

Empowerment Programme 2019

The latest Iya Hauwa Foundation activity was on empowerment of women and youth from the rural communities. The IHF Team distributed food items and seed fund of Ten thousand Naira (N10, 000) each to the women and youth beneficiaries for petty trading such as food vending. In addition, about 100 trees were given to all the beneficiaries for bettering their immediate environment and tackling the issue of desertification. The following conditions were attached to the intervention:

1. All beneficiaries MUST enroll their children of school going-age to attend both formal/conventional school and Madarassa/Islamiyya/Qur’anic school.
2. Pregnant Women MUST attend the 4-basic anti-natal care accessible in their locality.
3. All beneficiaries must take care of the trees they planted in the Very way they will take care of their businesses.
4. All beneficiaries are to give Iya Hauwa Foundation a token amount of N100 weekly. (The money will go into a revolving fund of the foundation, that way more people can be enrolled in the programme).

M&E is fully in-vibe in the programme. Data/information of all the beneficiaries is taken in order to keep records and track the progress of the programme. (IHF will use KOBOCOLLECT in collecting data, tracking progress etc). The initial phase of the beneficiaries were 40 in number and they came from the following communities: Birniwa, Matara, Dannu, Fajiginari, Birniwa-Tasha, Kakuri, Garin-musa, Kasabur, Yarda, Rigar-Musa. We’ve have also included Fulani women from core ruga in order to serve as a role model for our RUGA women.

IHF is grateful to all those who supported us in one way or the other. We cannot achieve this without your immense support. May God reward you with the best of rewards Amin…